[@Crimson Lion] A full blown cavern, complete with waterfall and underground lake? Not quite what Riku had expected. Still, this would actually work out in his favor. The Metal Angel not only excelled in close range fighting, but even more so in enclosed places like this. It wasn't hard for him to decide that this place would end up being the Queen Mansa's tomb. Speaking of which, he saw the water of the lake bubble with activity as something rose up out of it. It was her. The Metal Angel appeared to stare down the Queen Mansa with unflinching resolve. On his way to this location, Riku had once again brandished the DODS Rifle that his Gunpla now held in its hand. And then he heard the pilot speak again over the intercom channels. [i]“Heh heh heh, my my boy. I didn’t think you’d be so brazen.”[/i] In response, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FPjMy6crU8]music[/url] began playing from Riku's intercom system. Not over his earbuds, but on his speakers so that she would hear the song as well. Just as music could soothe a savage beast, the right kind of song could also strike fear into the heart of an opponent, "Don't blame me," Riku said over the comms, "[i]you're[/i] the one who targeted me first. So you've only got yourself to blame for what happens next!" and without even a hint of warning, he fired off a shot from the DODS Rifle, aimed past the Queen Mansa at the cavern walls above. He intended to use another rock slide tactic. However, Riku suspected this woman wouldn't fall prey to a rock slide as easily as Seo had in Round 1. But even if she avoided getting collapsed on, the same would likely not be said for her funnels. And really, that was Riku's aim anyway. As long as they were destroyed by the rocks or sufficiently distracted by shooting at them, it'd give Riku the opening he needed to close the distance. And close the distance, he did. Instantly, after the shot was fired, the Metal Angel dropped the rifle onto the ground and boosted full speed directly at the Queen Mansa. While the normal AGE-1 Titus model was known for being a bit on the slow side, the same was not true of the Metal Angel. In building it, Riku had used a combination of using slightly less armor pieces and increased energy output to allow it to move faster than it's official counterpart from the anime could. Riku's first move was to try and catch the Mansa in a frontal grappling hold. Assuming the grab was successful, Riku would activate the beam lariats. Upon this, disc-shaped beam weapons ignited around the Metal Angel's forearms. Normally these could be used for a powerful close-line charge. But for this scenario, they were being used to create a grappling hold capable of causing devastating damage to an enemy Gunpla's body simply by having the Metal squeeze its arms inward while the beams were ignited. It didn't need to last very long. In fact Riku expected the Queen Mansa could and would break free in mere moments. But those moments were all Riku would need. As the brunt of the beam damage would be against the Queen Mansa's tail binder, hopefully rendering it unable to deploy any more funnels. "Apparently you weren't watching what happened to the last guy who tried to fight me in terrain like this." Riku said. He was referring to Table B, when he completely crippled Seo's Alvaaron while piloting a mere Leo.