[img]https://i.imgur.com/Ghgb6Iw.png[/img] “[color=0072bc]Yea! Yea![/color]”, Aurora too cheered, unsure to whom and why. Given the energy of the masses cheering up with applauds and yelling - a yelling which formed up from many voices into one gigantic yell of a city itself - and the broadcast showing the image of Aurora to be looked at by many, by the crowd so massive that it took a shape of a sea, arms motioning in the distance in the clapping movement like waves in endless waters - it was very easy to just get caught into all this impossible to comprehend amount of energy and just follow the flow of it, whenever it made her to go in her actions. And actions were rather simple - to mirror all this affection and cheer given: it was a flash of a smile, a few gestures of “piece” - of index and middle fingers on both hands shown to camera bots, a chuckle and a gaze confident and determined. Even though it hid a need to grasp some thrill. Being pinned by the gaze of thousands was enough of a thrill on its own, and Aurora fed upon it quite eagerly, giving back in that feedback loop with her raw emotion. That took a while, and so she took quite some time appreciating the crowd and appealing to its amusement. Though of course with a voice rocking through the arena, through the skies, giving a command to move on, Aurora too, among the rest of the racers, followed to set final preparation for the race. The collected energy of the crowd and the moment started to pulsate in Aurora’s head, the carbon of her body lightly shivering - or so she could feel, or at least she thought she felt - as the electric tensity like a lightning coursed through her - and again and again, repeatedly, with every coming second to pass and start anew.