[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Krampusnacht⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] True to Oros’ assumption Penny was able to detect the radio signal. Though that, at first, didn’t really answer what it was that was about to happen. It was still enough to have Penny wary for what it could mean. After all Dan’s dimension was all in all rather light on electronic communications floating through the air. When the clouds above were banished however, Penny already knew what it was that was about to happen. She remembered Brittney’s beach shop and the satellite bombardment that it held. She stood there staying up at Dan’s grinning face as her levity drained out of her. Leaving only a weary resignation. Seemed over kill in her opinion to use such a weapon in a snow ball fight, but she supposed that someone out there considered her enough of an enemy to not care. Penny was just setting herself to brace against the torrential down pour when her vision was obscured by a giant pink umbrella. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Thanks Princess”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would say softly, unsure if her words could be heard over the gushing walls of water that surrounded them. That didn't mean the words were any less heartfelt though. She tried to hold onto that dejection when the water finally subsided and she was able to more clearly inspect the damage dealt to her fort. She already knew that most of her Clones were gone, the force of the water enough to dispel all but those that were further away from the fort. But, with each moment that she surveyed the devastation her hurt grew and with its growth her sadness was shifted to rage. Her gaze slowly found Oros and when it did there was a soft glow to Penny’s red eyes. She wouldn’t approach however. Leaving the confrontation to her girlfriend for the moment, as she wasn’t sure she could trust her self to stick to words at the moment. Sam’s interjection wasn’t a welcome distraction, but Penny would respond regardless. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Kidnapping requires you to go out to abduct someone. Eliza came to us. MDP’s magic routinely creates sentient physical objects. Her assumption that Eliza was akin to that is understandable. I was about to explain her misconception as well, before Oros destroyed everything.”[/b][/u][/color] She would take her eyes off of Oros for a moment to look at Samantha. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Besides, as you just pointed out there isn’t anything in the rules against it. So why are you complaining?”[/b][/u][/color] Penny’s voice was flat, nearly monotone, as she spoke. She would wait only a moment before returning her burning gaze to Oros, and moving to stand behind MDP. She doubted that Oros would apologize in any meaningful way, but she wanted to be near her girlfriend so that it would be easier for them both to leave. [hr] The pair of Penny’s off near Victoria’s had escaped the water by jumping and triggering their hover jets and coasting above the flow of water as they watched their fort vanish behind a wall of water. Both of them were stuck silent at the display. One of them was able to recover intime to wave back at Victoria [color=9e0039][u][b]“No problem, it was fun and I’m sad it got cut short.”[/b][/u][/color] The other counterfeit would slowly turn in place noting how more or less everyone had decided to call it quits after the deployment of the orbital cannon.