[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Port-1[/color][/h1][color=f26522][h3]Simulation Room>Hangar[/h3][/color][color=7ea7d8]Hanson Seuclid[/color], Ayame Izumi, Sirius Free[/center] [@veenknight343][@Renny] [hr] The battle in the simulator erupted quickly, with the three GMs in the center began firing down with two machine guns and one bazooka, too far out for their beam spray weapons. The Zakus defending retaliated, the two investigating the container changing their attention and began to move to flank the suits. Away from the fire fight, the GM approaching the area of the two pilots remained on alert as its allies reported contact, though knowing the federation suits were in an advantageous position against machine gun equipped zakus. As the sole GM entered optimal firing range for the two however, the simulator froze, an alarm blaring and the digital image disappearing as the loudspeakers began to blare out [b]"Alert! Alert! Launch detected! Launch detected! All active mobile suit teams scramble!"[/b] The spectators looked around in surprise, before quickly spilling out of the simulator room along with all the pilots. The hangar's activity instantly sparked to life, with shouts and clangs heard as mechanics wrapped up their work and cleared checks with one another while ammo was pushed along to awaiting machines. Every human inside who wasn't busy rushed to the exits and to the lockers, pilots putting on combat suits and the rest equipping EVA gear for their own work. [color=7ea7d8]"Get out of my way, no one touches my machine aside from me!"[/color] Hanson screamed at a pair of mechanics looking at his suit, who didn't bother arguing and moved to the next suit. Hanson slipped on the helmet of his suit and sealed it, as most have already done so before entering the hangar. Reaching his suit he pulled himself into the cockpit and started up the reactor, listening to it hum to life while the radio yelled out the orders. [b]"Mobile suit teams, approach the carriers Petersburg (Laohu), Arthur (Laurasia) and Yekon (Pizarro class) once released from dock. Teams will retrieve you once you approach."[/b] The few suits ready to launch began to move off as a yellow warning light began coloring the hangar, going on for a full two minutes before a red light switched on, showing the hangar now being depressurized to open its doors. Every suit ready to launch pushed off one after another and began to direct themselves to a ship. Hanson, along with 5 others which included the new pilots, guided himself to the Laurasia with its catapult open.