[quote=@GalaxyRaider] Stop it! *Shakes and squirms in its grip* It's not [i]fair![/i] You... Can't... Sway me so easily. *Looks up at the dragon with great frustration* [/quote] Please, don't struggle. I say this a lot, but I legitimately mean it when I say that it hurts more if you squirm. Besides, if you really stop her, she'll be losing sleep day after day after day after day, wondering why you had prevented her from doing her [i]absolute best[/i] to defeat the enemy at hand. I know how you people work. For once in my life, I am willing to make something better for you. I can erase this irrationality from your mind, let you understand and accept her decision. If that fails, I can make it so that she never existed in your mind. But if you keep on with this futile struggle, you'll spend your confidant's last moments a drooling vegetable. *I bend over slightly to meet you at eye level and cock my head to the side.* [i]Understand?[/i]