[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 2: 04/20 Word Count: ?? Location: Al Mamoon Points Gained: 1 probably + 23 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 08/30[/center] The plan was in motion, and people were handing out rewards. Everyone was getting upgrades and new gear, which was always fun. One of the better parts of the job was getting badass new abilities and weapons, though technically Jesse only ever used one. Back home it was incredibly versatile. Hopefully she could get that back up and running, too. That whole de-powerment fiasco really made her appreciate her abilities even more than she already did. They were the main source of her agency. "Uh, thanks, Joker." Jesse was handed a little glass sphere (?) looking thing with the image of a Shambler on the inside. The ever curious director flipped it around in her hands and observed it from all sides, holding it up to the sunlight. Following the others' lead, it seemed the thing to do was breaking the spirit. To get some cool kind of weapon. She had no idea what the Shambler would do. Would it be a gross looking gun? Or a sword? Or maybe some kind of magic grenade? Only one way to find out. Jesse placed it on the ground and crushed it underneath her boot heel. Once she had her new loot, the only thing to do was keep moving forward. Follow this Mao kid and root out the rest of the resistance/cult/resonance affected persons. Jesse put away her Service Weapon and her new toy and drew the Tool Gun, ready to use it to incapacitate her enemies and protect her teammates. "I'm with you, then, Joker." Jesse nodded to Braum and Fox and- there would be a time to get properly acquainted later, like she thought earlier. Eyes on the prize. Joker gave her and Laharl an interesting look. "Let's roll. I want one of those pink hearts. Seriously, just sucker punch me, I won't fight back. I trust you guys." She said. "Hmm. Maybe I will fight back. That's what we're dealing with, right? People who are affected by something and become more violent? In which case, stay on the move and don't hide behind anything that weighs less than five thousand pounds. Okay, let's go." The office building was being protected from the outside: No one in or out. Which meant they could get down to business without worrying about civvies. Jesse and the UFO girl made a good transport team, and once they were on the inside Jesse frantically re-enlarged everyone back to their full sizes. The inside was pandemonium. Tool Gun in hand Jeses focused on the mini-gun wielding lunatic: she looked like she could cause some serious damage if left unattended. To get things started, she picked up a heavy piece of furniture and flung it at her. Halfway through it's intended arc of travel Jesse lined up a shot with her Tool Gun and enlarged the furniture so it was bigger and would do more damage. Then she took cover next to the wall, behind the architecture of the building.