[h2] Madison [/h2] Madison gave a small smile at the idea of getting food, although she wasn’t entirely sure what went into food, other than what she had heard her mother speak about when describing cravings while pregnant. She nodded gently and repeated the woman’s name as well, attempting to learn as she went, “Esme. I like your name too. And I would like food. My mother liked food. She would tell Sam and Dean about her cravings, and her favorites…” She trailed off, as saying their names upset her stomach. Crossing her arms over her chest, she fought back tears and emotions that she didn’t understand. They were supposed to protect her, not hurt her. They were supposed to keep her safe. “Um…Esme…I think I would like those clothes, now.”, she spoke properly, stepping up beside Esme, still clutching her stomach and chest as what is best described as heartbreak continued washing over her. [h2] Dean Winchester [/h2] Dean sighed heavily in regret for shooting at the girl, his stomach lurching at the idea that she now would see him as an attacker, rather than her savior. He didn’t respond to Sam, because he knew Sam was right. Instead, he got into the drivers seat and slammed his door shut, starting the Impala with a roar. “You sure you want to approach her? I mean, you were with me. She might see you as just as much of a threat as me. And the only person who has been able to see her thoughts or anything is Cas.”, he started, pulling away from Bobby’s and out onto the road, “And he’s a little…predisposed at the moment. He didn’t even answer my prayer this morning, when all this started.” As they drove into town, Dean scanned the sides of the road for anything that looked suspicious, or anyone who seemed out of place. He loosely remembered what the girl looked like, and decided to remind Sam as they were driving. “Her hair is like…silvery, and she’s tiny.”, he spoke, before realizing his description was incredibly vague, “And she’ll probably be nude…”