I personally, am a veteran and feel comfortable creating characters who are also veterans. My guy is a veteran and knows how to fight. He will be a veteran of the Unification War, but I'll wait for your CS on Cal Strand before I develop his back story. I have written everything else to include a small cache of (3) firearms. I believe Jayne's arsenal was more elaborate than My character's. He is a deck hand, but could be used in another capacity if necessary; definitely a fighter. As well as being a veteran, I have a martial arts back ground. I am no Kung Fu master, but I trained in Krav Maga for almost seven years and can write those skills into any post if necessary. As a seasoned writer I would often write injuries and failures that befall my characters. They may appear OP on paper, but never exhibit those qualities in character. I try to write flaws into their actions. Writing Gary Stu's are extremely boring. Writing about a character who loses is so much better for the reader and the writer. [quote=@wanderingwolf]The more you bring to the party, the more others are inspired to interact with you. We suggest a 2 paragraph minimum per post. While we encourage our writers to check spelling and grammar, this is Firefly. Sometimes, words just don’t go right… Use your best judgment.[/quote] Spelling inside quotations should be according to the character’s dialect in accordance with the Firefly story. Text outside quotations belongs to the author. This spelling/grammar should be according to your standards. I tend to write in advanced standards. What the character says, just might be unintelligent gibberish.