[i]Please excuse me if I'm not doing this correctly, this is my first post! 20/F, if it matters (:[/i] I am looking for someone who would be interested in doing a [u]1x1 Hogwarts/Harry Potter/Royalty[/u] roleplay. I would prefer if the roleplay was [u]MxF[/u], as I already have a character developed. Below is a brief synopsis of a basic plotline I'd like to follow, but I am open to any suggestions. Quick note, this is my first time doing a play-by-post roleplay in several years, and my first time on this forum, so it may take me a moment to figure out what I'm doing. [hider=plot idea] The Roleplay would take place in 1996, and the characters would be in year five. According to the books, students in year five are 16-years-old, but I am open to changing the age guidelines so the characters can be 18+. This gives our characters enough time to have a basic understanding of magic, and have enough knowledge and experience at Hogwarts for any events that may occur. My character, Ardella Silverling, comes from a royal family. Her mother, Queen of Audren, and her father, King of Audren. She has attended Hogwarts as a Gryffindor since she was of age and finds her studies in Magic more important than her future duties as queen. I will make a character sheet later on. [/hider] [i]I would prefer if we followed major events that happen in year 5 of the Harry Potter plotline[/i] [hider=including] - Professor Slughorn returns to Hogwarts as Potions Master // Snape becomes the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher - Slughorn offers Felix Felicis as a reward during his first lesson - Cursed objects make their way around Hogwarts, starting with Katie Bell and the necklace, then Slughorn and the mead - Snape kills Dumbledore at the Astronomy Tower after Draco fails to [/hider] [hider=additional plot ideas I'd like to incorporate] - My character comes from Royalty and is a princess, but it's disregarded at Hogwarts much like Harry being a "celebrity" - My character is set to begin courting a man following this school year, and she is expected to later marry him (hoping for a 'forbidden love' between our two characters) - I would highly prefer if your character was rather toxic, at first especially (enemies to lovers) and have a slow-burn relationship - Death eaters are attempting to "collect" my character and her family, as they are powerful in both the muggle and wizarding worlds [/hider] [b]Again, I am open to suggestions if you are interested![/b]