[h2] Madison [/h2] Madison followed Esme to her car, feeling grateful that the woman had found her. After what had happened to her back at the house she was born in, she didn’t know who to trust. Maybe there were a lot of people in the world who wanted to kill her. She could hurt people with her mind. Maybe she was perceived, by people who didn’t know her mother, as evil. She followed Esme’s instructions and sat carefully on the edge of the back seat, clutching the blanket a bit tighter around her body. “Thank you.”, she whispered to Esme as she walked around to the back of the car to fetch clothes. She glanced around the car, making sure that no one was coming to kill her while she was alone. As Esme returned with the clothes, she smiled softly at her, thankful, but also not quite sure how they worked. She stared at Esme, taking in how her clothing was worn on her own body. She then looked down at the pile of clothing as she took it, having a small hint of how to put the clothes on her body. She turned and dropped the blanket a bit, pulling the t-shirt over her head. Once she realized where the arm holes were, she slipped her arms through and pulled it down around her waist with a proud smile. She then took the underwear and the shorts, staring at them both. She gathered, from seeing Esme in her denim, that the underwear must go first. So, she leaned against the front seat, and carefully stepped into them, before unbuttoning the shorts and slipping them on the same way. Realizing she didn’t know how to reattach the button to itself, she turned to the window, holding the belt that was added in one hand. She sighed, realizing she was going to need help, and pushed the door open. “Um. Esme? I um…I don’t really know how this works.”, she said quietly, holding the belt up, while trying to hold the pants button together with her other hand. [h2] Dean Winchester [/h2] Dean glanced over at Sam, noticing how quiet he was, and sighed softly, “I know you want to try and save this girl. But you need to come to grips with the fact that you might have to kill her. You realize that?” He asked the question to calm his own nerves about his brother going near this girl after what she had done to them. Whatever that power was, it was something they had never seen from a demon or an angel. It was something new. It was something scary. “I want you to carry an angel blade with you…”, he finished, still searching for the girl. There were no signs that she had lost her temper, or that anyone around had seen a random naked girl running around.