[hr][hr][center][h1][color=9C00FF]Jack,[/color] [color=AC42B2]Miranda,[/color] and [color=05794C]Zari[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/3pCT88K/ezgif-2-568aa6b400e5.gif[/img][hr][color=9C00FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Carousel [color=AC42B2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] Zari wasn't too sure what to think with Veil's reaction (or really lack there of) she honestly had expected [i]something[/i] aside from what she had ended up saying. Well, that sort of thing didn't really matter all too much, at least not right now as they were heading for the ceremony or whatever it was that was being mentioned with regards to what apparently had happened since they ended up as popsicles. That was going to be fun right? She wasn't too sure what to expect from this whole thing, this place was more than a bit strange. He wasn't too sure about this ceremony, in all honesty he wasn't too sure about anything that really seemed to be going on on the island. Jack's brain wasn't sure who to trust really, especially since no one seemed to be willing to help him get any answers with regards to how he was still standing there. However his one slight clue was where he had woken up, and as soon as Max wanted to head off to the Voltus Glade, he was once again going to offer to take him there. Namely it was because he wanted to talk to him still and maybe get his help... Miranda lead the group more or less to where the Carousel was, before she ended up separating from them. She wasn't a member of the Quiet Counsel or of the Mutant Underground, so she wasn't up on the stage with everyone else. Instead she was down in the crowd, though she was fairly close by to the stage. She was just watching to see what was happening, see if there was any other sort of thing that might be announced or whatever now that the group was awake and everything. She listened as a few of the group said their name, and literally everyone behind her started chanting each name in response and started cheering. It was sort of obvious that Havok seemingly was glaring at the one child of Magneto currently in attendance, that being Polaris, who wasn't too far away from where she was, and wondered somewhat what was going through her head. Miranda herself typically did more of what she thought was best in any sort of situation, and from what she could tell, Polaris did something similar, even if others couldn't necessarily see it. He was now thinking about what sort of name he wanted to have called out. For most of his adult life when dealing with mutant issues of sorts (like with the Morlocks) he had gone by whatever name people were more comfortable calling him, whether it was Stretch like what the Morlocks (and Colossus) had mainly called him, to just his normal name of Jack with the Underground. One of those two groups was all but gone now, the massacre of the Morlocks in DC still stuck with him, and it wouldn't leave his mind ever. So what better way to choose a name than to go by the one that the Morlocks had mainly called him? [color=9C00FF]"Stretch,"[/color] he said with a slight wave to the crowd as they started cheering yet again. Despite her typically bubbly and outgoing personality, Zari wasn't too sure about being on a stage in front of several thousand people. She kept a tight hold of Mr. Eyeball though, not wanting to let go of the robot again. It was more or less just beeping at her a bit from being held in her arms, and every so often that she muttered something under her breath seemingly towards the robot that no one else could really hear. However, she did know what name she wanted to go by, it had been the sort of superhero name that she had come up with from both her training, and the nickname her parents had called her. [color=05794C]"Hi there, I'm Valkyrie!"[/color] she ended up saying, removing one hand from it's tight grip on her robot to wave somewhat before her went back to hugging Mr. Eyeball.