[b][right]Briefing Room // Jedi Temple // Ahch-To[/right][/b] The door to the room opened, a blue and white astromech came wheeling into the room. Bleeping happily as it did so, the door remained open as a figure in black robes opened. Instantly recognizable as Luke Skywalker. He nodded to everyone in the room. "Captain Tagrate. Nice to see you again." He bowed his head slightly to the two Jedi and nodded at the final ranger. Luke put his right hand on top of the astromech, it extended its connector arm into the holo table. A planet appeared. "This is planet S-15. It's on the edge of the Unknown Regions at the edges of the First Order space. We've had reports come through from the Separatists that Master Bridgers lightsaber was found-" [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4b/Ezras-second-lightsaber-SWCT.png/revision/latest?cb=20191116055359]a hologram of his lightsaber appeared.[/url] "-For those of you who don't know. Master Bridger was escorting the archaeologist [url=https://img.favpng.com/16/10/18/star-wars-roleplaying-game-star-wars-uprising-galactic-civil-war-png-favpng-F9grhcqkfrjCBXLaQwaw0UscK.jpg]Tyrell Lanstead[/url] through the unknown regions to various sites with significance to the Jedi Order. We're not entirely sure how or why he ended up in First Order space, but the two have been missing without a trace for over a year. We've sent various teams to try and relocate them however until now we haven't had any leads." He turned directly to Tagrate. "I understand this isn't your usual type of mission, from what Leia has told me, but there's every chance that things might get messy out there. There's a lot of species out there that we don't know about, especially in that region of space. That said your ship is also useful in this instance as it isn't instantly recognisable as a Galactic Alliance ship. We don't exactly have the First Orders permission for what we're going to be doing here." He turned away from the hologram to scan around the room. "Any questions before we continue?"