[hider=Rules] 1. Must be 18+ This will have adult themes 2. Post should be 2-3 paragraphs preferably 3. Third person posts 4. Post per day minimum, I sometimes can post more, but if I’ll ever post less I’m pretty good at communicating that 5. Tell me your limits when you first message me [/hider] [hider=Plot] The concept is in the age of warring kingdoms, YC would be a general or daimyo of some sorts who conquered MC’s castle or subjugated them in some way. After which the terms of surrender included MC being given to yours. The story is then affected by , I have three characters in mind all vastly different personality wise and carry an affect on the overall stories direction so I’m your pm please indicate which one you are most interested in 1. A warrior Princess, skilled with a bow, could lead to a more action military campaign as YC continues his conquest 2. A typical sheltered princess, lead to more slice and drama elements 3. A half yokai princess, can be taught to use her powers in combat but also has some slice as we deal with her not so ok nature in society [/hider]