[right][sub]Aboard the Meeting Place station[/sub][/right] [right][sub]Addressing: [@Sep][/sub][/right] David left Kelsie's room, closing the door behind him quietly. Kelsie fell asleep again and she really looked like she needed some more rest, so he decided not to disturb her for a few more hours. It's not like something interesting or important was going to happen. Checking the messages proved him wrong. An unknown ship from a new colony appeared, which was huge news. It looked like the ECU was already handling the welcome party. It was not ideal (David was not super fond of their allies), but it could have gone worse. It could be the Zetans greeting them, spreading their sob stories on how they were just peaceful robots attacked by vile enemies. David snorted, imagining Sigma-Devi proudly walking through the Meeting Place hallways, as if nothing happened. His cousin died on the Horizon, and every time he met that clanker in one of her beautiful dresses, shamelessly pretending to be human, all he wanted to do was to draw out his gun and shoot her smug face. But they had an order to not engage the Zetans, so all he could was dream about it. Plus the order came from Kelsie, which was even more important to him as he didn't want to disappoint her. He realized some time ago he felt something more for her, but she was so careful and closed off it was nearly impossible to get closer to her. But he was nothing if not optimistic and persistent. A scanner warning interrupted his thoughts. Another unknown ship just passed through the Gateway. What was happening today? "Lorne Administration," he mumbled upon listening to their broadcast. What a peculiar name for a nation. "This is Major David Parker, a representative of the Undefeated nation. This station is called the Meeting Place and it is a neutral spot where all nations can safely interact. Therefore, it doesn't have one leader. You are welcome to dock and come aboard. We would be honored to welcome you to our section of the station to explain the events of the past months and the current state of things in the galaxy." David sent the message along with docking coordinates.