A long reach and one of his last pieces of semtex is placed in the under carriage of the Linebacker, this thing would be the worst problem for the incoming tilt rotors. A pair more pieces, that he can rig up to his last remote detonator. And those for the fuel tank. Really rock the house. Eric looks over to make sure he's in the clear then darts across the tarmac. He knelt beside a stack of ammo crates. These would add to the blast later. He looked arouned then spotted the two on the hill. He brought out a small flashlight, red in color, just bright enough that as he flashed it a few times. Nolan scanned the tarmac and his eyes set upon a small red flashing dot. He reached out and patted Andrew, "Our boy is ready for us." Nolan rolled over and settled next to his rifle. "Now then Mr. Support. You make the count." He grins at Andrew, "Don't you ever think you're not an integral part of this team brother." He lines up his shot, "Holding on guard on the left, the one with the engineer pack." He checked his wind and range finder gauge, "Yo...conditions changing. East-west wind, 7 knots, slight updraft. Counting about 970 meters to targets." He sniffs then looks out again and just before Andrew begins the count he hums, "You know, there's this story that ran the length of the Pats and the Regular infantry some years back. JTF-2 sniper, can't remember the guys name. Was out in Iraq, picked off an ISIS fighter at three thousand five hundred and forty meters. That's Three and a half kilometers. Said he had to fight two cross winds to do it. Now we're shooting at less then a third of that. But look at our cross winds." He points down towards their targets and thanks to the snow they can see they have no less then four crosswinds to deal with, and one of them appears to be a downdraft, "We're not making history on this shot, but I don't think a sniper has ever had to deal with this much additional elements." He sniffs and adjusts his scope, "Hold...two pips up...and..." He looks out again, "I'd say if you're brave two pips either side to compensate for those cross winds." Eric in the meantime readied himself, his karambits slipping out of their holsters just in case... Nolan hums, "Ready when you are Andrew..." Skyside Victor's face split in a grin, "Wisest choices we ever made was each other I think [i]min kjærlighet[/i]." A rare moment of Norwegian from the Iroquian-Norwegian mix. He laughs and wraps an arm around Natalie as she's leans in close, his own painted cheek resting against hers. This is the best part of this relationship, she cared, he cared, they both loved. They could die any day from a rocket or missile hit, the roar of a heavy gun cutting them down, but this here, now, is the part that matters most. he let her go and he finished prepping, sliding a belt of grenades into the Denel. Meanwhile Carl looked up, and smiled flashing Natalie a thumbs up, "Suited and booted Ma'am." He looked down at his phone in his lap, "I may have taken a picture of you and the Sargeant-Major over there, but I'm likely to just keep that as a memory. Not everyday a guy walks with Gods." He grins. "Ready to rock and roll though." He slings his arms around Jenny and Ross' shoulders, "We're here, and ready to roll." A moment later Victor stands and looks to the rest of the unit with them, "Alright listen up ladies and gents. Fifteen!" The group calls back, "Fifteen aye!" Victor continues, "Remember your pathing, keep your actions clear, get off this bird ASAP, and steer clear of the fire works. The Major has the plan, follow on us. Use the Juggs and us two as cover as we roll forward. As soon as we're clear, the bird leaves. This isn't low-jack, so be ready for close and personal. Do you get me?" The soldiers signal their understanding in various ways from calling out confirmation to nodding. Victor looks back at Natalie and the other Juggs, "Another thing, I don't want to see people coming back from this with full magazines. Don't shoot yourself dry too quick, but don't fret to use your ammo. Someone points a gun at you from the other side you mow them down and put a round or two extra into them to make sure." He scans everyone, "You don't need me to tell you this is Important." He nods, "Hoorah!" An echoing, "Hoorah!" Roars through the plan as Victor walks towards the back of the tilt rotor and the closed ramp, "Check your kit. And make ready." He reached up and placed a hand on the cieling of the tilt rotor to brace himself and grinned at his fellow juggernauts, "Onward onto glory once again!"