[b][right]The Meeting Place // Sol System[/right][/b] [right][sup][@Raylah][/sup][/right] The [I]Endurance[/i] docked without much trouble. Streaming in straight for the dock that was sent to them, slowing to a halt. The airlock adjusting and sealing with a hiss as it equalised the pressure to the station. A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/ff/73/ceff73ba1d87bfd0aafb8f1f2a6ecc8b.jpg]tall woman[/url] stood straightening her suit. Using a nearby panel to check her reflection she saw a stray hair out of place and neatly tucked it back into where it should be. While everyone on the [I]Ring[/i] reserved the rights to go into any career path they chose, since their people had left to Delta-4, Mackenzies family had [I]always[/i] been in Human Resources. Her father had been an aide to the previous CEO for many years before his death, she was the chosen representative and she was going to do her job professionally, and properly. She lifted her tablet up from her hip and into view. Probably considering herself halfway through the process of 'Meeting new people, and establishing a timeline on events since the Gateway closed'. After that on the agenda was gauging interest on new contracts, and discovering rightful claim to Delta-4 and all the infrastructure that went with it. If what the Commander had relayed was accurate, and this was a station built by several different societies then establishing rightful claim could prove difficult. Still. It was her job and she'd see it through. Rolling her eyes as she heard the metallic thunk in the corridor behind her. She feigned a smile as five [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/87/4e/2d874e6fa4a6511322e93fff2fdf194e.jpg]marines[/url] and their [url=https://i.pinimg.com/750x/d3/ab/00/d3ab0041fa4ceebb4f9602a72644b166.jpg]handler[/url] approached. "I thought I had told the Commander that I didn't need an escort." The handlers helmet opened revealing his face. He looked like fun, from the blank expression he was wielding. "With all due respect Ma'am, the Commander has the capacity to overrule you in matters to ship security. Leaving you un-attended would compromise our security, which means we're going with you." "Well. Let me do the talking then." "I'd have it no other way Ma'am." With that, his helmet sealed up again. Mackenzie sighed as she turned back around to face the airlock as it opened. Now they just had to wait for their host.