[b]MIKA[/b] To Mika, Dean was almost like an open book who she could read pretty well and in this instance, he definitely was easy to read as she could tell he wanted to try and weasel his way out of going outside with her to actually talk and get some air. Yet she wasn't going to let him weasel out of it, so when he agreed and got up heading outside, she followed him on out wihtout even looking at Bobby. She sighed when he got instantly defensive, a common trait for him that she was used to but still hoped that this was another time she could break through those walls he put up and got him talking. The fact he brought up Hell without her even bringing it up told her that it was indeed about Hell and he did need to talk about it, even if he thought otherwise. "He's just worried about you and how you're acting at the moment. I gotta say, I'm damn worried about you too." she began telling him standing in front of him but not once did she let her body language come across as remotely offensive or pushy. She kept herself calm and relaxed, but did show her worry for him in her eyes. "I didn't say anything about Hell, but it seems to me you do need to talk about it as you're keeping something bottled up. Dean..." she began saying, walking closer and placing her hands soothingly on his arms as he looked at her with pleading eyes, "There is nothing you can tell me that will make me think of you any less than I already do. You know despite everything, after everything we've both been through, I still love you. Nothing you tell me will push me away, nor will I share anything you say with anyone else if that's what you wish." she softly spoke to him, wanting to drive home to him she wouldn't go anywhere, not after she's got him back, but she also wanted to leave it entirely onto him to make that decision on what to tell her. "I can tell something is eating away at you and you've not been able to just stop and process being back. I can only imagine how many messed up feelings and memories must be in that mind of yours. If I was in your shoes, and the roles were reversed I'd wanna talk to you about it. I know that much" she added. "So if you're willing, please, let me in?" she asked. [b]SAM AND NATALIA[/b] Sam wished he could correct Annabeth on the assumption that he seemed tightly strung when it came to the topic of her missing eyes, but he couldn't entirely deny it. He was a tightly strung bloke who always firmly stood by his opinions and was increidbly hard to change his mind. But he also knew that it was possible to do as well if someone went about it the right way. "I know he does, he's a stubborn fool sometimes but he does mean well, even if it doesn't always come across as that. He can be a top guy when he wants to be" he explained to her, taking her hand, whilst unaware of the hellhounds in the area. Heading to the front door, he knocked on the door before calling through, "Bobby! It's us!" he shouted through as the others followed on up to the door, then he remembered about the spare key under the rock near the door making a beeline for it, squatting down, grabbing it and as he stood back up, he put the key in the lock and unlocked it, opening it and stepping inside. "Bobby we're back, where are you?" he called through before finding him in the main room at his desk. "Oh hey, where's Dean and Meeko?" he asked him. Nat followed on in, looking around them all just feeling like something was off and she couldn't fully put her finger on it. Yet she was glad to be back at Bobby's place as it was a case of familiar surroundings and in a weird way safety, mostly because she knew as well as the boys and Mika did, that if anything did come around in this area, Bobby always had everything they'd ever need to solve their predicament. She still remembered the day when the boys brought her round here for the first time because they Bobby to 'check her out' and make sure that she was indeed telling the truth on who her father was and what she always dreamt. It was tough convincing the man but when she did, he became the coolest guy to her. She also enjoyed hearing how he knew the boys and how he was related to Mika which made her think the world truly was a small place.