[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mount Justice, Communications Complex [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Squad A [/center][hr] The squads seemed to be splitting off into discussion groups to have short chats before they went. Alisa went over to join Squad A, the infiltration team. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]Kas- Mirage, Zatara, Metamorph, and Talon. Interesting group.[/i][/color] Alisa knew nothing of the finer points of strategy, but she could see why Talon had picked them all. His reasoning made sense. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Winter clothes are a great idea, Zach. It’s late fall in the Southern Hemisphere right now, and La Hoya is in the southern part of Argentina, so it will be cold.”[/color] It would probably be a good idea for her to go get winter clothes too. While she was resistant to extreme temperatures, her joints could still freeze up and stiffen. Finding suitable winter gear here wouldn't be difficult at all. Alisa turned her head to Ja when he spoke. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Ooh, snacks! Yes, bring those. It’s a long flight both ways, and you’ll probably get hungry.”[/color] Admittedly, Alisa often forgot that others actually needed food, so she was glad somebody had remembered. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Maybe bring some candy? Some water? You’d know better than me.”[/color] [color=CornflowerBlue]“I’m gonna go get some winter gear and then hop into the jet. See you guys in a few!”[/color] With that, Alisa walked out of the communications complex, in search of some winter gear. Hm. Maybe the supply closet...