[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6J09G9E.png[/img][/center][@LostButterfly92] As Mara stepped into the vast hall, the air conditioning provided some relief. Hot weather didn't do much for an already irritable mood. Just as she'd expected, though, a volunteer explained that the test for refund eligibility wasn't possible just yet. Mara resisted the urge to huff. [i]Of course.[/i] There'd probably be some excuse later on too. Taking one of the few empty seats at the back, she read over the itinerary and frowned. Either it was full of misprints, or someone had gone and put different activities in the same timeslots. Activities that looked rather less than helpful, to boot. Water balloon fight? She gave a hollow laugh. While Conner would undoubtedly love it, it was safe to say that was out of the question for her. Which left the panel discussion. She could only hope it wouldn't be as condescending as she suspected. It wasn't long before the conference started. A generic pseudo-inspirational speech, a rundown of self-evident rules... Well, so far it was meeting her expectations. Good thing she kept those expectations low. What she hadn't been prepared for, however, was the group activity. Stifling a groan, she traipsed towards the "2" sign, beside which a small group gathered. Public speaking was not her forte. Putting up with people who jumped at the chance to talk about themselves, even less so. Her gaze drifted to her scuffed boots, and she shuffled back from the group for their own safety as her heart began to thud. Right now she felt like that awkward kid in school again, with nothing interesting to say. Someone else piped up - Dani, even less at ease by the look of it. The nervousness, and the longing for an essence, were things Mara could relate to all too well. As people scoffed at Dani's words, Mara found herself glaring at them. Yeah it was none of her business, and she knew she was likely asking for trouble, but for some reason she couldn't help it. One by one, Dani's family went next, Abby having the right idea. Once her 'speech' was over, Mara breathed deeply and looked up. The longer she waited, the tauter her nerves stretched, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Best to get this over with. Plus, she'd freaked Dani out earlier. The least she could do was help make her more comfortable. [color=ffec42]"Mara. Lived in Florida my entire life. Plant essence, namely lemon..."[/color] God it sounded even weirded spoken out loud. [color=ffec42]"In other words, electricity. Don't ask. As for fun facts, I, uh..."[/color] Scrambling for a remotely interesting fact, she struggled to keep looking at the crowd and not at the floor. No, she was NOT going to act like that insecure kid she'd once been. She had to keep her defenses up. [color=ffec42]"Does not really being one for fun facts count? But if it's a must, I've always liked lemon flavoured stuff... I guess this explains it."[/color] Whew, just like that it was done. Now able to relax somewhat, Mara waited for the next person to speak up.