[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme couldn’t hold back the grin on the remark about Bobby’s house, but had to agree he’d be wise to have a human around. At his eyebrow wiggle and last statement, her eyebrows shot up. “And who says the human would want to go or have you tag along with them?” she asked. Her attention shifted to Bobby as he went back to his desk and spoke to Natalia. She wouldn’t say it aloud, but she felt slightly out of place here. Maybe it was because she had spent so much time alone and she was having to adjust to having others around her. She moved back and found an empty wall to lean against, crossing her arms over her chest. She listened as Bobby spoke to Natalia and then to Sam, passing him a manilla envelope. She sighed heavily as Bobby explained how it felt like the end of days, angels and demons, and that something big was coming, and they were all in the middle of it.She dipped her head and closed her eyes, thinking about how they were going to stop whatever was coming. She knew one thing, it would more than likely take all of them to do it, and some of them might not make it through it. They would all have to stay on their toes and be ready for anything. They were dealing with demons and angels now, and there was no telling what else might rear its ugly head. Esme was so deep in her thoughts she didn’t even hear when Annabeth returned after leaving to get some air as she had said.