This [i]conqueror[/i] was indeed part of the inevitable and limitless cycle of devouring. Countless nigh infinite stepping stones to some grander design perhaps he would be the wielder thereof or merely a footnote within. That "hunger" was innate to all beings able to manifest will. Form to higher entities was a near meaningless concept, so trite was the smallness of the Lord that ushered forth that cataclysmic energy in comparison to the density of his soul. Among this space for which only champions in some effect lingered, he would have a vast enough presence of mind to not take lightly the form of his next hunter - that much could be assumed well. [hr][img][/img][hr] It all at once lurched yet gently floated through the debris of this hallowed realm. Roots that had no ground to take hold within, a ghastly tree of unknown species neither deciduous nor evergreen but crudely housing a human-like visage that indicated it was quite wrathful. The bark had characteristics close to human flesh. All too quickly for this creature to exist here, one would have to draw the conclusion magics most awry must have occurred. Perhaps some once great, heroic sorcerer within this dimension erred when trying to modify their vessel, perhaps this began a chain reaction of hunting and assimilating and binding and feasting until this horrid "plant" was the most recent abomination's avatar of a once palpable human form. Perhaps. There was no subtlety in its energies emitted now that it had made its appearance manifest. Stealth was not in the directive. This battlefield, spiritual [i]blood[/i], was but a plate that the childish mind within sought to lick clean. Was it breathing? Hereafter titled [b]Mulch[/b] for simple convenience, the roots of this organism acted as tendrils that pulsated and throbbed as though the innards of a dying animal. As its pull began to draw upon matter surrounding, were it carried, sounds not unlike a mixture of sloshing liquids and raging locomotives blending together unharmoniously would emit from its depths. [color=ed1c24][b]Q[/b]rkglgh[b]SHK[/b]llle[/color] Information. Sent as signals without form or frame. No boundaries. Only extension. Only the draw to shatter barriers and assimilate. And there was a new component to [b]Mulch[/b] to be invited into the collective so preciously close. [@Chaotic Neutral]