Father stone appraised the drunk Irishman who stood before him. The man smelled awful and appeared to be uneasy on his feet as the man offered the preacher a shaky hand. "My son," Stone began, even though the other man was clearly much older than him. "Drinking to excess is a sin, and much more so in broad daylight." The preacher turned to the tall man in a duster with a smile. Finally, he found someone who cared for their own soul. "The cemetery is defiled. The bodies of our flock have gone missing." he said. "The sheriff is investigating, but what can a man do against the devil?" ------- Josh kneeled at one of the graves, examining the freshly dug hole. The grave maker was still intact, indicating that this grave had belonged to Bill Hatfield. Bill had been dead for about six years now, having been hung by the previous sheriff for murder and larceny. When the voice of young Christina Emerson sounded from behind him, Deputy had already sauntered over to her. The perceptive dog could tell she was upset, and tried to nuzzle her hand and whine for attention. Josh didn't know Christina that well, only having done some business with her competitor, Doctor Baum. But she deserved to know what was going on. "I don't know, kid. None of this makes sense. Some of these bodies are decades old. Why on earth would someone go through the trouble of digging up some old bones? And how could they have done it without anyone noticing?"