[hider=C.W.Randal] [img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/hemingway_2_3108.jpg[/img] Character name: Charles Wayne Randal "C.W." Age:50 Role:Passenger Personality: C.W. is a retired big game hunter who boasts and brags of his youthful days, some of his tales may be a bit stretched from the truth. He can be a bit stubborn, believes he knows all the right answers, even if he doesn't know the question. Has a limp to his walk, sometimes uses a cane, which happens to be a hidden sword cane. The injury came from a charging rhinoceros, when he was Just young man working as a hunting guide. Skills: Tracking, Hunting, Marksmanship, although his eyesight is not as good as it once was. Items: besides the sword cane, 4 cigars, Zippo lighter, & folding knife.[/hider]