The man made his way down, last time he had faced Uilles they had been a good deal younger and the Venray hell spawn had come fresh from his initiation. At that point Ravros had been a promising young soldier of the Empire, his skills unmatched and never bested. His hand moved up to the scar that remained as a permanent reminder of his own arrogance. He had underestimated the young knight then, barely 17… He had countered every blow, but had no answer for his shortcomings in strength then. Ravros had swiped his feet from underneath him and worked him to the ground. His sword had pointed victoriously at the boy’s throat forcing him to look up at him, the fearful eyes in disbelief and worry of the imminent death that was to follow. “What made you think Belisio could withstand the might of our Empire? What made you think you even could fight us, fight me?” He had asked and he had seen the defiance in Venray’s eyes he should have taken more care then, but his own lack of humility and prideful self simply refused to see the danger. “We will fight because we must, it is our sworn Duty to protect, to serve to…” “Die?” He had finished for him. “It seems Belisio trains its dogs well, well little Knight, you’d best die with some honour and dignity, a gift most of those around us wouldn’t have given you or me. Now get up and prepare to die.” He had assumed the boy had still been wet behind his ears, clinging to foolish illusions of honour and ideals of justice and duty. It had appeared that way at least. But clearly War was a rather cruel and twisted teacher. And even though the boy had been without a sword to defend himself anymore, he hadn’t counted on the ki attack that the boy had struck at him at close range. It had instantly knocked him backwards, with the boy following up with the slash of a dagger the boy had had strapped somewhere. It had carved its path across one side of his face and the pain had been excruciating. Later it would be concluded his eye was lost, but for a split second Venray had painted the world in blood. It had been his fortune that his own troops had come up towards them, making Venray opt for fighting another day by fleeing towards his own men, whilst he was dragged to the safety of the inner lines. Belisio ended up being the victor that day and it had stung him ever since. Ravros wondered if he had killed Venray then, would fate then have rewarded him instead? Would the Empire then finally keep the glorious promise it had always promised to be? A prosperous powerful force for good in this sullied world. As he reached the lower level that would lead outside he checked the straps of his armour one final time. “This time Venray, Death will come for its claim.” He spoke unsheathing his own heavy blade before he pulled the lever that triggered the door mechanism to open. As the metal divider slowly raised the winds and light outside slowly tugged at him. A lone figure stood there amidst the chaos, the bodies strewn about his feet, his form a dark shadow regarding Ravros with fury. Ravros slowly but confidently stepped out closing the distance between himself and Venray, regarding the man with a look of smug displeasure and calculated satisfaction. “You’re still as uncouth as ever.” Ravros spoke as he stopped a good few paces away from him. “A simple throwing down of a gauntlet would have sufficed you know.” Uilles kept regarding the man with a cold glare as he answered. “When a usurper comes with the intent to subjugate and conquer, one has no choice but send a strong reply of disapproval. Especially when he forces farmers to pick up the axe instead of the plough and sends them to their deaths for sake of the glory of others. A true warrior does not…” “Still spouting those radical ideals of noble Kings and Queens I see.” Ravros spoke cutting him off before continuing himself. “But last time we met it was not the honourable knight that won. Your luck was tied to my own lapse of foolish concern for your honour. It is a lesson well learned, I assure you. This time there will be no quarter given. This time around I will not have a care for your pride and honour.” He held his tongue for a moment to make Venray listen. “Nor that of my own.” He then pulled out a small vial from underneath his armour, holding it delicately in his gloved hand to show it to Uilles. It was a small glass tube that had a dark substance within it, a sticky, dark red and thick liquid. Venray’s eyes widened as he recognized it. “You didn’t!” A cruel light sparked up as it flickered in Ravros’s eyes. “Belisio’s time is over, thanks to our Tahjai mages we will overthrow and conquer you. I shall take extreme pleasure in watching their experiments upon your people. How they will reap more power for the Empire by harvesting you and taking all that you once held dear. “I will enjoy seeing them take the very honour and morals from your youths and feeding them to the endless machine of war. Belisio will merely be the start of a payback that was long since overdue. The world will tremble and shudder and the Empire will prevail!” He spoke with a crazy smirk. “And it will begin here, starting with you…” Before Uilles could even respond he watched as Ravros pulled the cork off with his teeth and downed the contents of the vial.