[@HEAVY METAL] [color=ed1c24]"Jesus Christ,"[/color] Isaac stared at three blood-stained zombies shambling toward him. Normally, he'd be cylcing through the Lord's prayer, confident that it was enough to keep him protected from the slings and arrows of evil, but here, evil's six dull eyes looked on him as if he were filet mignon. The only thing keeping him from becoming evil's meal right now was his wits. His muscles flexed beneath his black buttoned collar, sweat breaking out across his back. Glancing around, he saw a ladder attached to a fire escape on the adjacent building. If he ran, he'd make it in time to start his slow ascent with only one good arm. That was the only way. [color=fff200]Isaac draped the chain over his shoulder and sprinted for the metal ladder. As he started his climb, he realized that he would need to leap between each rung because his left arm was in excrutiating pain when he tried to raise it.[/color] Keller fought the urge to glance over his shoulder at the three ravenous mouths snapping in his direction.