[color=#ffbae8]"Mhm, just like that!"[/color] Rui encouraged her brother as he copied her moves. [color=#ffbae8]"Making sure you have attackers on the field is important. They may be called attackers, but they're also your main way of defending yourself,"[/color] she continued to explain it. She tapped on her own cards to demonstrate. [color=cornflowerblue]"Then I guess I will attack your level 0 attacker with my level 1 attacker?"[/color] her brother asked in return. [color=#ffbae8]"Well... yes, but not quite. It's true that if you attack a level 0 like that they're destroyed, but you can't actually choose your attack target. You have to say which unit attacks, and then I defend. But in this case, I'll use the level 0 to block,"[/color] she patiently explained to him. Sora turned his level 1 on the side to exhaust it and Rui moved her level 0 to the trash. [color=#ffbae8]"This way I can prevent you from attacking this turn entirely, as your level 0 can't go through my level 1. On top of that, with your level 1 exhausted like this, you can't use it to block on my next turn,"[/color] she continued to demonstrate. Meanwhile, Lumia continued her conversation with Wolf. [color=#FFF83B]"Aha... just talking about it, huh? Wouldn't that be bad for us?"[/color] she asked the other Avatar. [color=#FFF83B]"After all... without their problems, we have no hope, do we?"[/color] she mused, staring at the two siblings playing their match. [color=#FFF83B]"And... Nee-chan is the type to keep to herself. She won't talk about what's on her mind with me, either."[/color] [color=#ffbae8]"It's my turn again. I'll draw, colour boost and then..."[/color] Rui paused a bit as she got everything assembled on her field. She turned one of the Yellow cards on its side to play another Level 1 attacker, but also turned her other colour on its side straight after to play a different type of card from her hand. [color=#ffbae8]"Attackers aren't the only cards. There's also one-time use cards called Incantations,"[/color] she explained, sliding the one she just used over to Sora so he can read it. [color=#ffbae8]"With this card, using a yellow colour, I can prevent one of your attackers from blocking this turn. With your level 1 exhausted, I could launch two attacks if I wanted, but I'm only going to use one. Here I go,"[/color] she further explained, turning the card in question on its side. [color=#ffbae8]"And since you can't block now, my attack would go straight to your Life Cards. Now we look at my attackers's level; 1. When I can attack your life cards like this, you take 1 damage plus the level of my attacker. Since he's level 1, that makes for a total of 2. Life cards that are damaged get added to your hand, so you could use them on the next turn if you wanted to."[/color] Rui took a small pause, needing to breathe before continuing. [color=#ffbae8]"Even though I could use my other attacker right now, it'd leave me without anything to protect myself on your next turn. That's why it's sometimes better to wait. I still have plenty of cards in my hand, so I don't want you to get rid of too many of my Life cards. Did you get all that? It was kind of a lot, so I can go over it one more time if you need to."[/color]