Captain DeBaker was a young individual and most mistook her name by her fathers when only reading the surname on the page. Once they read ‘Apple’ everyone knew she was a female captain and some would laugh or taunt her which she chose to ignore most of the time. She had forty-eight hours to figure out a crew, save the ship from getting impounded, and get out of the hangerbay within all that time. Stretching her arms forward than up with fingers locked together, she groaned, and continued her way down a corridor. The young woman would find herself in one of the digital control rooms, she purposely got to this room to see if she could ask them to put an ad on the electronic boards for at least fifteen minutes. Upon talking to the worker inside and figuring out an agreement, they agreed to make the ad and only for fifteen minutes which was somewhat unsettling to the captain, but she wouldn’t fret about it. Quickly the ad began to pop up on certain long screens around the busy parts of the station, “[color=00746b]Hopefully somebody sees this.[/color]” She mumbled to herself. The ad reading; [hr] [b]Everyone! Meet at the hangar position, viewing dock C-3 if you are interested in being a part of a new crew! What is needed? A pilot, mechanic, navigator, and engineer! [/b] [hr] [@Smiter19][@Sylvan][@Jorcool][@LostDestiny] After the ad was confirmed to be up and running, Apple thanked the man and went on her way. Her walk was one of who was on a mission, and she always seemed to be. Fast paced and ready to get going, but she understood that she might be spending a few hours trying to find a whole crew, a mission, and getting the ship out of the hangar. Under all these circumstances, Apple DeBaker could consider herself already annoyed while being on station 1-21-246-007 for multiple reasons; the main one right now was that she was on a time limit. Making her way to hangar position, viewing dock C-3, a place where you are not exactly around the ships, but you are in a viewing or meeting room. Most people go to these to watch their loved ones take off or a captain trying to assemble a crew. Many things happen in the viewing docks, so she ended up going right there to wait for a little bit to see if anybody was even interested in her ad. DeBaker decided to take a seat at one of the tables, back facing the wall, and eyes facing the open entrance of the viewing dock, “[color=00746b]Time to wait…[/color]” She crossed her arms and leaned back, placing her feet on the table with legs crossed.