[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/otgOhq7.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Wrf62D0.jpg[/img] [color=5D8753][h2][b][u]RULES[/u][/b][/h2][/color] [hider=Read everything]- GM’s words are law. - No racism, ableism, or sexism will be tolerated. - Swearing, violence, 18+ themes allowed, but fading to black is necessary. - No animal, baby, or child abuse is tolerated. If it’s in your history, sure, but don’t write it out here. Hunting animals for survival is different, but I don’t want to read about your glorifying kill. - I’d prefer not to have little kids in this rpg. Characters must be 14+! - Discord is going to be necessary, as it allows for open and easy communication. This will also be moderated and the rules still apply. Getting banned from discord is equal to being banned from the RPG permanently. No second chances. - No automatics/machine guns - Must post once a week; if you cannot post, notify the GMs or get a strike. Two strikes you’re out. Ghosting will not be tolerated. Your character may be killed off. - You must read the posts of people interacting with you fully and do not ignore them. - Strong intolerance toward harassment of any kind and unwanted bullshit. Warn once, ban second. If a player is bothering you, let the GMS know right away and take a photo of it. We are not playing the s/he said game. If you’re starting any drama, you’re out. - Again, if you are being harassed, report it to the GMs. If you are being harassed, others being harassed are likely to follow. If it is found out that you were being harassed and you didn’t report it then you will likely be kicked. It may seem harsh, but not reporting and putting others at risk of being harassed is just as bad in our eyes.[/hider] [color=5D8753][h2][b][u]STORY[/u][/b][/h2][/color] In the year 2070, natural disasters started to plague the planet for unknown reasons for five years. About 99% of the population(More than 10 billion) died out over time and only few remain. Many of those who have remained have died from starvation or illness over time. It's been ten years since the disasters and the year is 2085. People now must scavenge what they can to survive. With bandits and gangs quickly becoming a problem, not many countries were able to put up new governing bodies with the scarce population and lack of working technology. Near the town of Elysium in the county of Adrington in California(made-up town and county) lies a gang called the Phantom Syndicate. With no laws and complete freedom, things have been hectic. They have been rounding up as many of the strongest and most capable humans as they can in order to bully others and hoard supplies. With plans to take over and take what they can from the weak, humanity desperately needs heroes to start the new world on a better foundation.[/center]