[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise Interaction with:[@bloonewb][/center] The eldest Princess relaxed but only a little. She still had appearances to keep up so her formal speech and general posture remained. However her smile went from one that, now anyone paying attention could tell, was faked to one more genuine in appearance. “I am Annalise, eldest daughter of King Nicolin.” Of all her sisters Annalise was the smallest, despite being the eldest, so standing next to this man made her appear even smaller, which she actually kind of hated. She got why the half Orc Prince was so large in stature, but this, what she presumed, human male was likely equal in sheer mass if not larger. Though both men were still dwarfed by the full Orc guard the prince had with him. She seemed to be sizing the prince in front of her up without even noticing she was doing it. Her eyes scanned over his body as if trying to piece together a puzzle, though still her right eye remained unfocused. After realizing she was staring she looked back up at Vyarin’s face. “I apologize, we were given some information on each of the suitors but not much, it was more on each suitor’s country and cultures. I didn’t mean to stare.” Her eyes landed on the covering on one of his eyes as she scanned his face. “What happened?” She asked without even thinking, her curiosity getting the better of her. “If you don’t mind my asking.” She added quickly as to not make him feel pressured to answer if he didn’t want to.