Thank you both so much! That's so sweet of you. <3 [@Gunther] Wow!! I'm lucky if this little guy takes a nap at all during the day that isn't more than 20 minutes. He fights sleep so bad, then gets mad about being tired. He may~ take after me on that, but since he looks like my husband's mini-me I suppose he has to have something from me. xD What is so rude is that he'll nap for hours at a time at daycare. But on the weekends, nope, has to spend the. whole. day. with Mommy and Daddy. Which is sweet, and his cry face is so funny and adorable, but ... c'mon. xD Anyway~ Yes!! I talked to my husband about it. I can definitely make the minimum mentioned in the game info. Since my little guy passed out (probably because today was the refusal to sleep at all, all day Day), I can get started on a CS. That is what takes me the longest, if I'm honest... Settling on a character in creation. I'm one of those who will spend hours making a character in a game then have to go to bed before even playing because Adult-Life. Sigh~ =P ~edit~ I am seriously considering the option of the ship's dog. Or cat. xD