There were multiple paths presented to the retinue, all they now had to do was choose one and hope that something horrific did not happen with the tome while they transported it back to the inquisitorial safe house. The odds of the tome tearing open a portal to some hellish warp damned dimension of one of the Chaos gods was rather high, and Celestian Andromedai knew this. [color=00aeef]"I do not want to take any chances with this cursed tome of Tzeentch so here is what we are going to do. First off, I want our Tech-Priest Medaria to gather up sheets of metal then craft us a make shift containment box. For the one and only Adrianne, I would like you to form a energy field around the make shift containment box and then transport it back to the ship for us. As for our local [i]Guardsmen[/i] Stukov, please keep an eye and ear on the local area, I do not want any surprises or ambushes while moving this Emperor damned tome anywhere. Everyone has their orders, so let us get to work, alright?"[/color] Celestian Andromedai then opened a private communications channel to Solares, who swiftly responded, [color=ed1c24]"Andromedai? Maya is on the ship sitting next to me, was this your idea? Did you know she was going to show up? I tried to warn you earlier but you were uh, preoccupied?"[/color] Andromedai responded in turn, [color=00aeef]"I was not aware of our friends arrival untill she dispatched the Chaos Spawn we were fighting. Regardless, we will be returning to the ship with a chaos tome, I was a secure area for it to be stored, also allow Maya to do as she see's fit just, no messing around with the weapons systems."[/color] While she talked, Celestian Andromedai kept a eye on her team as they worked around her. After a while though, she made her way back into the dome shaped room and glanced around it, merely observing all the damage they had done to it and the Tzeentch murals that covered the walls around her. [color=00aeef]"One last thing Solares, I want you to send a team here to do a in-depth search around the area for anything that stands out while we take care of this tome, alright?"[/color] There would be no reply directly from Solares, but the Celestian did receive a message from another Inquisitorial team that said they were on their way to their location.