Kay nodded, "she also said with training or practice our power can double and be even stronger together, not only that it can also be used to be tapped into if one of us goes missing, meaning its like a magical GPS I guess" she explained, giving a shrug. "and if one of us feels an intense emotion, the other can feel it too. So it's not a negative thing at all and I wouldn't be surprised if Fee at some point shows you what she showed me" she added. Chas and Josh didn't know what to expect when Serena went to touch the map, but Chas' eyebrow did raise when a silver mark appeared. As she touched it and then proceeded to get thrown back he looked on wide eyed. He didn't know how a simple scrying map could be capable of such things. Josh ran over to her and helped her back up, "you okay?? What the hell was that?!" he asked her.