[@Wolvena] [color=OrangeRed][b][h1]IRONWOLF[/h1][/b][/color] "Fine, have it your way!" He took an apple from the floor, not even rubbing it off, he took a bite. "Igueshillhavetadoitmyway" he said with a mouth full of apple chunks, that spewed when he spoke. Once again he rips parts of your dress free, tying one around your mouth and head. The last one, he ties around your ankles, before tossing you over his shoulder. "Remember, i gave you a chance, more than you deserved." He pressed up and down on his boots, juggling her on his shoulder. "If the guards are stupid enough to shoot at me, well...i have some protection now." he said, slapping a hand on your rump. Ironwolf grabbed his sack of goodies, before heading to the door. "Fight me princess, and I'll make sure to make this as painful as possible." He swung open the door, darting thru the shadows, following his footsteps back the way he came in. Things might get dicy for him, especially kidnapping a princess, but what a price he could get for her. The risk was worth it he decided, as he crept along as best as one can do carrying a tied princess over their shoulder. Ironwolf removed some rope from his backpack, and tied the Princess to himself. He slipped the climbing claws over his hand, and began slowly etching his way to the top.