[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Kanbaru's typical irreverence was markedly forced as she came down to the tavern floor to see what quest awaited them, arms crossed with her hands fiercely grasping her elbows while eyes rimmed with heavy circles drank in the information presented. She turned away and caught a glimpse of a feline, murderous rage burning for a second before she turned away with her hat pulled downwards. The absence of her latest Serei card both burned and soothed her, it's hostile presence long gone yet the indignation of being robbed cut deep. Akiko may have gotten the drop on her, but that time Kanbaru had let her guard down, underestimating how ruthless the ki- the Cat could be. A deep sea exploration sounded like the perfect place to avenge herself with no one the wiser. The thought of taking back what was lost burned like a torch in her breast, warm to the touch even as they fell into darkness and water. Kanbaru laughed gaily through the water, her powers making it trivial even before the floor itself adapted to their needs. Pulling upon her own powers she could draw the water towards her and expell it backwards, shooting along with the grace of a hunting orca. [color=cyan]"Fishy? We're in the deep. I fully expect crab people guarding treasure. Maybe a musical number or two, though I don't think we're lucky enough to get attractive mermaids down here."[/color] Kanbaru replied to Clair, rising up and standing on the water without issue, her sword resting idly on her shoulder. [color=cyan]"We may as well stay together. I'd hate to see how we'd handle something as big as that snake from the last floor in tiny groups. And honestly, I expect even bigger to show up underwater."[/color]