Walking into the town, there was a great deal of visible damage. Humans, and Insects, have been through this place more than once. There was some sound, up ahead, just around the corner, to the left, maybe? something being dragged. Also some rubble moving, glass crunching? Stepping around the corner, the source of the noise comes into view- A "Bee-Like Robber Fly"; Order Diptera (her [i]favorite[/i].) [center][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/901/39323204300_408fba40a5.jpg[/img][/center] Ambush predators; at it's size, it cant use trees for cover, so it's holding up inside that storefront. It's close to human size, which is certainly big enough... It was dragging a limp human body in it's mandibles, probably to eat in peace, and get back out of the heat. It seemed like it's attention was focused in the direction it came? "Psst- Ninita! ¡Cállate, muévete despacio, hacia mí!" A snap-look, and she was looking at... A S.W.A.T. cop in a Mexican wrestlers' mask?? He was sitting on the ground, on the passenger side of a hard-top jeep, facing toward her. The driver side door was hanging open, with a spray of blood on the window and windshield. the distorted air raising from the hood made it clear they only recently got here, themselves. He sat up, peaking through the windows, keeping an eye on the fly across the street. It seemed to be gone, now, but he conveyed a sense of urgency as he waved her over. "Vamos!"