Ash looked in awe for a bit before he regained composure. The sight of the interior was truly marvelous, a true sight to behold. Then he noticed it too. The palace looked way to prestine to be natural. The forces of time, wind and weather seemed to not have affected the place at all. Was this the magic of Anthedon at work? The wizard died like 300 years ago. Shouldn't the magic have worn off by then? I not, the wizard was amezing. "Yeah, this certainly looks like an upgrade from the dirt I've been sleeping on for the last few years. It looks so new and fresh. Are you certain that this palace is over 300 years old? Nothing shows wear at all. This place even smells way too clean to be natural. No funny smells at all, except for Monty over here." Jested Ash lightly as a reverence to Armontillado's work as a mortician. For a moment the young man looked around. There were so many buildings in the compound that looked like a village of its own and they had to check them all. "So that big octagonal building in the center first? Or do we want to split up to cover more ground quickly?"