[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/99b2750631769e59b75ded789e4e9471.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr] "Alright losers, everyone in," Rocket said instantly as the room in front of them got cleared out and killed by a few of the others. Ed's attempts at healing himself weren't really working at all, as in his magic fizzled out and didn't work. His shield however did, and he'd be able to create one around the entrance to the watch tower where everyone was. Bethany's own attempts at dealing with a few of the Nova Corps guards and all was actually fairly successful. The ropes would be created from her shadows, and she ended up ensnaring a group of 8 guards! She'd be able to trip them and cause the entire group to run into each other and get knocked out entirely. Klara just gave Annie a bit of a nod of recognition. [color=FF17F2]"Let's go though, this will be fun now won't it? I can explain what I know in a little while. It seems the rabbit continues to wish for us to follow him, so we might want to,"[/color] Klara mused, before she headed into the watch tower room. "This is going to work right?" Quill asked Rocket as he ran into the room. "Well yeah, only like a 12% chance that something decides to blow up and we all get exposed to the emptiness of space and die a horrible death," Rocket responded with a bit of a shrug as he started messing with a console. "Everyone get in now!" Lance looked over at Runa as she more or less decided to threaten Guin, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her before walking over and putting a hand on her arm, [color=yellow]"No fighting each other over anything at the moment, we've got bigger things to worry about,"[/color] he said to her calmly. Once everyone entered the room, Rocket started pushing a few buttons on the console, before he waved the armband (with the arm still attached) over a sensor on a wall, and the room sealed up. "You would have thought they'd have done that, but that's what happens when the Nova Corps hires a bunch of idiots. They can't even keep other idiots locked up!" "You really need to work on your insults." "Would you two stop it!" Gamora snapped at them both. [b]"I am Groot."[/b] "Yeah no one asked you!" Rocket responded as he sealed up the room entirely, and pushed a few more things on the console rather quickly. Surprisingly fast when some of the buttons were bigger than his hands (paws? Who knows, he doesn't admit that he's a raccoon). Suddenly outside of the windows of the watch tower, the group would be able to see tables and such shooting straight up? And what looked to be a bunch of people (both guards and prisoners) flailing their arms wildly in the air, as the entire area seemingly had no gravity outside of the room. [color=007236]"Well I guess that's one way to fix that problem... So now exactly how are we supposed to go anywhere?"[/color] "Hm? Oh that's the easy part! Just watch. This entire central area got destroyed a while back... So they rebuilt this entire central column and other parts of the prison, of course most areas are the exact same, with a few key differences. The idea of getting rid of the gravity was something we've done before, since it slows their reaction time down, since a riot draws most of their forces in here. So a [i]lot[/i] less resistance as we make our grand escape. Oh, and here's a nifty thing that they added to this area." With another flip of a switch, there was a loud crack, and the room seemingly shifted. A joystick control of sorts popped up on the console, and once more Rocket waved the armband over it to gain access to it. "Little mini elevator ship thing that can get us out to one of the non-main prison parts of this area. Just got to go straight up temporarily." "You sure you know how to fly this?" "How hard could it be?" he responded, before pushing forward on the joystick. The room instantly shifted and started going straight [i]down[/i] to the point where everyone if they didn't grab onto something rather quickly would have gone flying into the windows as they had a lovely view of the ground that they were heading straight for now. "YOU WERE SAYING ABOUT THIS BEING EASY???" Quill yelled at Rocket as they were still going for the ground. "What you wanna try it?" Rocket called, as he was holding onto the console now and not really trying to level them out. Mary managed to use vines to hold on and get to the joystick before pulling back on the stick managing to level out the small little craft before it crashed into the ground, [color=007236]"Airplane controls, you pull back to go up, not push forward,"[/color] she said to Rocket, sounding a little annoyed. Her head was pounding a bit from her own head injury, so she glanced back at the others. [color=007236]"Guessing we want to go up, who wants to steer? I don't trust the raccoon to do it."[/color] "I can do it! And I am not a raccoon!" [color=007236]"Really? Since we almost went straight down into the ground when figuring we want to go up yeah?"[/color] "One mistake and people hold that against you... Well here's something useful," he added, pushing another button, "The opening this typically goes through wasn't opened up yet anyway, so we probably would have crashed no matter who was flying."