[center][img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/e2/2b/8fe22b871f950b4b40156e06135067eb.jpg [/img][/center] [center][color=Yellow][b][i] Heroes of Baldur's Gate, you are needed once more to aid the realm against the Red Dragon,Flametongue. Flametongue has been attacking local farms and travelers, scorching the lands. Leaving burning houses and bodies in it's path of destruction. With most of the Realm's heroes gone to war with the ever encroaching darkness of the Demon Prince's horde, you young adventurers will have to defeat Flametongue by yourselves, remember, teamwork is the best way of defeating the enemy. Along your journey, you will be provided horses, bows and arrows if needed, and 3 Super healing potions each (3D8+3), as well as one cleric scroll with 4 spells, Resurrection x2, Healx2. Good luck heroes, and may the Gods watch over you.[/i][/b][/color][/center] [center][img]https://content.instructables.com/ORIG/F32/Y0FV/J8F5Q3W5/F32Y0FVJ8F5Q3W5.png[/img][/center]