[color=00a99d]"Right. Cancel the plans, everyone, the place is too poor for Adele's liking."[/color] Evan turned back to her, with a raised eyebrow and a mocking expression [color=00a99d]"You know that not every place that isn't a mansion is falling apart at the seams, right?"[/color] Evan took a couple steps further, leaning against the wobbly gate that separated the street from the dreaded building. [color=00a99d]"It's an ugly house that some poor people were probably chased out of and everyone made up some urban legends about it. You guys are being pussies, I've been in there a bunch of times, it's no big deal."[/color] The dark-haired boy lied, as he often did on every subject [color=00a99d]"It's actually kind of the perfect place to hide. You think any teacher is setting foot in [i]there?[/i]" [/color]