[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme smiles at his bright smile, knowing that she had given him the reaction he wanted when he kissed her. Her cheeks flushed a bit more when he nuzzled her nose, getting his message fully. She laughed softly at his statement and was about to answer back when Sam ran up and called Dean’s name. A sigh escaped her as well. After his nose brushed hers, she turned her gaze to Sam and Madison. She didn’t have time to take them in before Dean suddenly stood up, making her almost fall onto the bench where he was sitting. Pushing herself upright, she stood next to Dean, looking the two over as he spoke. She had to agree with Dean. They really looked like they’d been through a hurricane. Esme’s eyes went to Madison as she tried to smooth down her hair. She would have smiled if this were a different situation. She listened as Madison explained what had happened. Hearing she didn’t hurt anyone set her mind a little at ease, but she still worried about how she could lose control while they were around others. Esme couldn’t hold in the sigh that escaped her at what Dean said, and saw how it affected Madison. As Dean turned to her and whispered, she looked up at him, understanding how he felt. When he turned from her, she looked back at Madison, seeing her move over to the statue. At Dean’s reaction, she knew he couldn’t see her. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly let it out before turning to Dean. Esme placed a hand on his arm and gave a gentle squeeze, then looked up at him before reaching up and placing a hand on his cheek and gently turned his head to look at her. She could feel his frustration from the situation, she felt the same way. “Dean.” she said in a calm tone, to get him to look at her. “Take a breath and calm yourself…… I know this is difficult, but you have to try to take it easy on her. This is all new for her just like it is for us.” She tried to keep her tone as calm as possible, which was hard with what she felt coming from Madison. “We’ll get through this…… Together.” she told him with a warm smile. Esme let her hand slip from his cheek and rest on his chest for a moment, then gave his arm another gentle squeeze before turning and walking around the bench to Madison. Before reaching Madison, she stopped next to Sam, then placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Don’t worry, I have this.” she said, hoping to ease his worry. She made her way to Madison’s side, feeling the guilt pouring off of Madison. She sighed heavily as she took a seat next to her. “Hey, it’ll be okay.” she whispered. Esme put an arm around her and pulled her into a hug, resting her head on hers. She then dropped her voice so only Madison could hear her. She was going to tell her something she hadn’t shared with many. “I know what it’s like to lose control when you get overwhelmed. I know how hard it is to stay in control.” she told her, hugging her close. “I don’t have the same powers as you to worry about losing control over, but I still have to worry about losing control.” she paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. She could hardly believe she was about to share her secret with this girl she met only hours ago. “I’m what they call an empath. I can feel what people are feeling around me. If I get too overwhelmed with those feelings it can be pretty bad, especially if it's anger.” She fell silent as a memory flashed in her mind of a time she had lost control. She pushed it away and focused back on Madison. “Not many know that about me. I keep it a secret.” she said after a moment of silence. She then tried to project some of her calm to Madison, she wanted to ease the girl's grief. [h2]Sam Winchester[/h2] Sam saw how Dean acted to his arrival, but didn’t play into it. He watched as Dean jumped up from the bench at the sight of them, and how Esme almost face planted when he did. He studied both of their faces as they stood there and was about to answer when Madison did. He turned to as she briefly explained what had happened. He didn’t approve of Dean’s way of responding to Madison, but that was Dean. He watched as he turned to Esme and whispered to her before turning back to Madison who had walked away. He sighed debating if he should follow or let her work things out on her own. His attention was pulled back to Dean and Esme, when he heard her talking to Dean. Sam’s eyebrows rose at the interaction but kept quiet as she talked to Dean, clearly trying to calm him. When she turned and headed towards him, he relaxed his eyebrows, and she stopped next to him. Sam gave a sigh of slight relief at her words and gave a nod. “Thanks. Just be careful.” he told her as she walked over to Madison. He looked over at them for a moment before walking over to Dean. “There’s one other thing from the diner.” he said looking at Dean. “A guy in a suit came into the diner and sat at the bar, Madison said she could hear someone in his head talking about God's power remade, then she lost control.” he told Dean. “When everything settled, he vanished with a gust of wind.” He then paused to let it sink in a bit, his eyebrows knitting together. “She’s being watched.” He stole a look over at the girls, he saw how Esme was so gentle with Madison. He was actually glad that she was there to help. Sam almost wished he could hear what she was saying to her and hoped she was getting through to her to calm her.