[@Zerofighter] More specifically on current locations and activity: Jared, Yakeru and MacKensie are hanging around the refugee camp, Jared's being inspiring to the soldiers who were demoralized by their defeat. Yakeru is sorta feeling bad about himself still. Robert is currently teaching David how to play chess. David probably hears boss-music. Chatak is talking with a high-ranking Witch-Army Gob to negotiate sending expert craftsmen to teach Claybitah about metalworking and making things. A trippy window-into-history flashback side-arc with Parshath and his chosen wielder-champion Afki. They're in a dungeon that [i]should have monsters[/i], [b]doesn't have monsters[/b], and just discovered one of their party members went missing. Now Afki and her two adventurer buddies have spotted a Voidling. Halim seems kinda scared. Lex, newly Reincarnated.. Reincarnation... kindled a spirit-pact with a fire-sprite named Enya who the Witch told would find "the one" after he resurrected. Now Lex is tagging along with The Witch and checking out her pad- and why the fuck does she have Halim-turned-voidspawn in a cage in her secret base? What is she trying to do, drum up tension in a flashback? Oh, and a charismatic Fey by the name of Elthrael just arrived on a hillside via lightning-portal a short ways off from the refugee camp being poetic and magical, as Fey do.