"Wait, what? No!" splutters Kalaya. "I am sworn to the Lily because of [i]family [/i]and [i]birth[/i], not because any of my sisters ... no ... not like [i]that[/i]." She shudders, and draws a long swig from her mug before standing too. As they make to exit, she notices the inkeeper watching them with the unspoken question on her lips. "Now, before we go." she says, grinning and indicating the copious amounts of empty glasses "We must first remember to serve those who have served us?" Inwardly, Kalaya is really hoping that Petony is good for this. While she could theoretically direct it towards her own kingdom's credit, a bill of this size in an inn, barely a month out on the road, would be difficult to explain to her father. [Will take the String on Petony. Not sure if this is a roll of any kind?]