As much as Sivus wanted answers, specifically about how Jorge, who he assumed was the person that messaged him in the first place, knew about him. He made it a habit of keeping his full identity a secret from those who wanted him dead or locked up in the worst Turian prison, because that’s the sort of pull that Tarus Veritas had within the Turian Hierarchy. Just thinking about it made him want to shoot somebody. Just thinking about the death of his squad sent an incendiary grenade-sized fire through his body. But he had to keep a lock on that temper. [color=steelblue][i]Save it for whoever got in the way of the mission.[/i][/color] Sivus always practiced that. If nothing else, he could unleash hell on some mercs and other unsavory lots. Sivus redirected his attention to Jorge and listened to him explain. Between some person named Zakarth Daezike and the recurring theme of urgency in every word Jorge spoke, Sivus had brief flashbacks to when he ran his own team. And maybe it was his nostalgia taking full control, but being on a team with people who appeared to know how to get the job done, he was feeling like he kinda missed this. Even though he was usually in the driver’s seat, it wasn’t a bad feeling. Though, two things flared up a few bad memories: the mention of Saren made him visibly cringe. Anger was a common emotion he felt and nobody triggered it more like the traitor of his people. The other was when Jorge mentioned Zakarth left an emergency meeting with their client. Clearly, this wasn’t Sivus’ first rodeo and usually, that meant they had a short window before the worst-case scenario was about to rear its ugly head. And maybe it was Sivus’ own past experience of getting too excited before a mission actually began (the briefing was like what the humans called pregaming), on his face, there was a smirk that he tried to hide. Usually, someone with his credentials shouldn’t technically show such a willingness to be excited. But hey! Sivus was flawed as all hell. And this would be his first taste of real action since he went into hiding as Sivus Ritas. Several minutes later, as Sivus put his belongings in a spot that seemed to be unclaimed and geared up, he made his way to the roof. On their way, he saw the quarian, Key, practically brushed past the group, running ahead. [color=steelblue]“That one sure is impatient,”[/color] Sivus commented, chuckling at Key’s eagerness. He shrugged that off as he and the others had finally made it to the roof. He didn’t know what to expect, but a simple civilian shuttle wasn’t it. When they all got into the shuttle, Sivus had never felt more cramped among so many...different people in his life. And that wasn’t even factoring in hearing that the Vorcha on the team was, if his ears weren’t betraying him, a medic. [color=steelblue]“You’re serious?”[/color] Sivus asked more for himself as he tried to process that shocking piece of information. His experiences with Vorcha had been up and down. He’s met a Vorcha accountant before. Of course, being on Omega, Vorcha mercs were very common, but a Vorcha Doctor/Medic? That was rich and, honestly pretty fan-fucking-tastic. Sivus was all for breaking down borders. [color=steelblue]“Orsum, you’re all right. And if I am close to dying -- should it get that bad -- I’d be really curious to see just what a Vorcha Medic can do!”[/color] He laughed from deep down. Sivus took a look around for a few seconds before speaking, [color=steelblue]“Don’t let these good looks fool you. I’m a biotic and one of Cabal making. But I also have a great deal of experience with leading infiltration missions. Probably my greatest asset other than being totally rad.”[/color] Sivus allowed himself to grin. He believed it because it was true and he’d prove it when the time came. [color=steelblue]“So we can go in loud, or if our leader deems it so, we can go it quietly. Probably for the best if we don’t want to risk anything important getting accidentally blasted.”[/color]