[color=black][table][row][/row][row][cell][hider=Theme Song][center][youtube]https://youtu.be/4xgomnzDAE4[/youtube][/center][/hider][center][url=https://youtu.be/4xgomnzDAE4][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/617914243760783381/866246275305439232/unknown.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/230c9d5e625a4ff6c220c2f1335424b2.png[/img][/url] [sup][h2][sup](高梨裕矢 [i]Takanashi Yūya[/i])[/sup][/h2]Birthday: April 14[sup]th[/sup] Blood Type: B [color=#2E2C2C]—[/color][color=#2C2A2A]—[/color][color=#2A2828]—[/color][color=#282626]—[/color][color=#262424]—[/color][color=#242323]—[/color][color=#222121]—[/color][color=#211F1F]—[/color][color=#1F1D1D]—[/color][color=#1D1C1C]—[/color][color=#1B1A1A]—[/color][color=#191818]—[/color][color=#171616]—[/color][color=#161515]—[/color][color=#141313]—[/color][color=#121111]—[/color][color=#100F0F]—[/color][color=#0E0E0E]—[/color][color=#0C0C0C]—[/color][color=#0B0A0A]—[/color][color=#090808]—[/color][color=#070707]—[/color][color=#050505]—[/color][color=#030303]—[/color][color=#010101]—[/color][color=#000000]—[/color][color=#010101]—[/color][color=#030303]—[/color][color=#050505]—[/color][color=#070707]—[/color][color=#090808]—[/color][color=#0B0A0A]—[/color][color=#0C0C0C]—[/color][color=#0E0E0E]—[/color][color=#100F0F]—[/color][color=#121111]—[/color][color=#141313]—[/color][color=#161515]—[/color][color=#171616]—[/color][color=#191818]—[/color][color=#1B1A1A]—[/color][color=#1D1C1C]—[/color][color=#1F1D1D]—[/color][color=#211F1F]—[/color][color=#222121]—[/color][color=#242323]—[/color][color=#262424]—[/color][color=#282626]—[/color][color=#2A2828]—[/color][color=#2C2A2A]—[/color][h3]Favorite:[/h3] Food——————————Strawberry Parfait Class——————————Japanese History Club——————————Baseball [color=#2E2C2C]—[/color][color=#2C2A2A]—[/color][color=#2A2828]—[/color][color=#282626]—[/color][color=#262424]—[/color][color=#242323]—[/color][color=#222121]—[/color][color=#211F1F]—[/color][color=#1F1D1D]—[/color][color=#1D1C1C]—[/color][color=#1B1A1A]—[/color][color=#191818]—[/color][color=#171616]—[/color][color=#161515]—[/color][color=#141313]—[/color][color=#121111]—[/color][color=#100F0F]—[/color][color=#0E0E0E]—[/color][color=#0C0C0C]—[/color][color=#0B0A0A]—[/color][color=#090808]—[/color][color=#070707]—[/color][color=#050505]—[/color][color=#030303]—[/color][color=#010101]—[/color][color=#000000]—[/color][color=#010101]—[/color][color=#030303]—[/color][color=#050505]—[/color][color=#070707]—[/color][color=#090808]—[/color][color=#0B0A0A]—[/color][color=#0C0C0C]—[/color][color=#0E0E0E]—[/color][color=#100F0F]—[/color][color=#121111]—[/color][color=#141313]—[/color][color=#161515]—[/color][color=#171616]—[/color][color=#191818]—[/color][color=#1B1A1A]—[/color][color=#1D1C1C]—[/color][color=#1F1D1D]—[/color][color=#211F1F]—[/color][color=#222121]—[/color][color=#242323]—[/color][color=#262424]—[/color][color=#282626]—[/color][color=#2A2828]—[/color][color=#2C2A2A]—[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]"Wait a minute. Is that little Rin-chan I see in tow? How you doing, kid?" "Hello, mister." "Thanks for letting her tag along, dude. I ... had to get her outta the house." "Say no more. Rin-chan, would you like a melon soda? Or an apple juice?" "Really? Is it okay?" "Whatever you want, you've got it." "Hmmmmmm ... soda, please!" "Here you go." "Thank you very much!" "Rin, just be careful, alright? I'll be right here ............ You didn't have to do that, man." "I was already at the store, so don't go pretending it was some noble thing. As for us grown-ups ... They were outta Yebisu, but Asahi is fine, right?"[/cell][/row][row][/row][/table][indent]"As long as it's cold, and as long as you got enough." "Shit. Things must be pretty bad at Castle Takanashi if you're sayin' moody crap like that." "She ain't safe in her own house right now, never mind the park at 9pm. So, yeah. You could say that." "It ain't all bad. She's got her [i]onii-chan[/i] to protect her." "From the chairs and dishes flying at her head, maybe. But the words? The crap he's [i]said[/i] to her? I dunno ... Drunk old bastard. Piece of shit. Ah, sorry for blabbing, man; I'm pissed off." "You're allowed to be, brother. Crack one open; cool yourself down a little. Forget about that scumbag for a while." "[i]Kanpai[/i] ... Heh. I'm surprised Oguni-sensei hasn't confiscated that cooler from you yet." "Ah, the [i]other[/i] troublesome old man. He hasn't confiscated it because he still hasn't found it. Blind as an earthworm. I leave it right there, you know, under the old [i]jūdō[/i] mats that no one uses, but he don't notice shit. Hey, how about a cigarette in exchange for the cold one? I'm all out." "Oh, so that's how it is. Too proud to just mooch like anyone else, so you bribe me with beer first." "Heh heh heh heh." "Hah hah hah ... You need a light, too?" "Nah, I got one." "..." "[i]K'shuuuu[/i], that hits the spot ..." "..." "... Eichii and I got a question for ya, Yūya." "Oh, yeah? Maybe he should freakin' be here if he wants to chat. Where [i]is[/i] that joker?" "He still walks home with that sweet thing from Class A. I think it's finally about to get serious." "For real? No kidding." "I don't kid. Anyway, this question is from both of us." "Well, that's enough suspense outta you, anyway; so what the hell is it?" "... When are we takin' it back, man?" "[i]Huh?[/i]" "Come on, Yūya; no playin' dumb. We both know you better than that." "No, really ... Don't look at me like that." "Then stop playin' this game. You want me to spell it out for you? Fine: Ishida, man. Ishida! He and his little groupies ambush us in our spot one time, one fucking time, and now you're gonna just let him keep it, let it all just [i]happen[/i] without our input or approval? No, man, no-no-no-no; that ain't you. You're planning somethin', Yūya. You gotta be. And it's about time that Eiichi and I got in on it." "[i]Onii-chan,[/i] I'm about to jump! Look, look!" "Yeah! Way to go, Rin! ... He's the [i]banchō[/i] now, dude, and we're his soldiers. What you're proposing would be treason." "So what? You don't wanna be his lackey. You don't wanna roll over and wag for him like all his little bitch-whelps. You don't." "... You're right. I don't. But—" "'But' what?!" "... I've just never seen the school like this before. Things were fine before, but under Ishida-san—I dunno, dude, we've been—what's the word?—... more serious. Yeah." "I can't believe what I'm hearing." "I command more soldiers as his vice-captain than I did as [i]banchō[/i]. But you heard him at the last rally, too. Saying that once we've mopped up Sarayashiki, we're gonna expand to the—" "Enough. Enough, before I puke! ... Hold on, I'm gonna need another beer for this ... Look, Yūya, I know you haven't been to literature class but one or two times all year, but you oughtta know what they had us reading a few weeks ago." "This leads to a point, right?" "[i]Paradise Lost[/i]. You know, that poem about Lucifer. And you wanna know what Lucifer says, dontcha? He says: 'It's better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.'" "..." "I ain't angry or betrayed or nothin', man. Not yet. I just think you've forgotten the rules of nature around here. I dunno, maybe you've grown fat and placid on the ... the milk and honey of Ishida-[i]yarou's[/i] new world." "Man, I hang out with you to [i]get away[/i] from poetry, not to catch it from your dumbass mouth." "I'm only trying to help you, bro, so listen up for a minute. Just one. If you take nothing else away from our little pow-wow, then this is the important part." "[i]Onii-chan,[/i] you're not looking!" "I'm looking right now! ...... Alright, Hiroaki. I'm listening." "We're third-years now, brother. High school's less than a year away, and then what? Come April the three of us will be ripped apart and thrown into different schools? Forced to start over in new hallways, against new gangs and new [i]banchō[/i] all by ourselves? We'll wait for the guys a year, two years above us to start graduating out before staking a real claim, all the while defending our little scraps? Not a chance, Yūya. Not while we're still here, together, letting another chance at our legacy slip through our fingers." "..." "You know, for a while there, we were the big dogs that everyone had to worry about around here. And it's not too late to become those wolves once again. Chrissake, it's only our third year! But this year is our [i]last[/i] chance, bro. At Sarayashiki greatness; a legacy unbesmirched by that Ishida bastard and his ... upstart ideas. We could still be like 'Piston Fist' Genda, or like Momoko the Razor: legends." "Hey, we could always play a few really good games, make it to the prefectural playoffs." "Very funny. Come on, bro. You don't [i]actually[/i] wanna be remembered as some nobody's lieutenant. You don't wanna wither and die under [i]any[/i] shadow, but his least of all. You wanna remind these twerps how it felt to measure every step they took, for fear of crossing Sarayashiki's Three Kings. Don't you?" "......................... I dunno, Hiroaki. You're right, but—" "Fuck yeah I'm right." "—but what if it's just the way things are supposed to be? Maybe we lost fair-and-square." "Hey, look. C'mon, look at me. How likely is it that some skinny, long-haired faggot and his gaggle of fangirls took down the baseball club without any tricks or schemes? That they beat you because they were [i]actually[/i] stronger than you?" "... I guess pretty unlikely." "And you would guess right, my friend. That's why you're thinking about this all wrong. You didn't 'lose' our turf; they stole it from you, through deception. And dishonor." "Maybe ... Yeah, maybe." "So that's the crux of what Eiichi and I have been wondering ... How long are we gonna let this transgression stand?" "And when are we making it right. Rising to retake the Sarayashiki crown and become the Three Kings once more." "So? What's your answer, [i]「bosu」[/i]?" "......... I dunno. I need time to think about it. Even if it's what I want, we gotta gather allies, be sure it'll succeed this time ..." "Hmmm. Then, I need your assurance on something else." "... Yeah?" "The way you're lookin' at your little girl right now; makin' sure she doesn't fall from the jungle gym, or God forbid, get approached by one of those playground perverts ... wanting to be there in a millisecond, so you can make everything better, and keep her safe. You've got a heart, Yūya, even if you wanna look like you don't. But promise me that your big friggin' heart ain't tuggin' for anyone in the gang. Promise me there's no skirt you wanna protect; no pity for the losers who'll inevitably go down with Ishida's sinking ship; nothing to stand between you and what's gotta be done." "It ... it ain't like that, Hiroaki." "You sure? Can you look me in the eye and make that promi—" "[i]It ain't like that![/i]" "... Alright ... Good enough. It sounds like we'll at least know your real intentions soon. Maybe after the next war-council." "After the next war-council. Maybe." "..." "It's like you said: we've got until the end of the year." "Think about it, then, if that's what you need. But if you're gonna stand up to him, know that you've got the two of us watching your back. Even if the rest of the baseball team has forgotten." "The best in all of Sarayashiki, right?" "................. Another beer?" "No. I need another fucking cigarette."[/indent][/color]