Sukoh was in a compromising position but so was the freak, his claws and horns were digging into painful places in his body, the pain was deafening. This was bad, very bad, if things kept going at this rate then his arms were going to be severed at the joint and his guts would be spilled on the battlefield before any real combat could be had. There really wasn't much choice as to what he was going to do next. If he tried batting at it with his legs he'd just serve to further allow this beast movement and access to his vitals. The bear winced as he realized this thing was literally eating him alive. Eating him. . .Eating him? "You dare consume the meat of Sukoh!? I shall have your flesh for dinner, monster!" The roar was a combination of desperation, anger, and brutal pain. This sadistic beast was a real thorn in his side. Except not his sides but his underbelly and underarms, so the saying is kind of off. The bear saw the dragon fly overhead and into the town, perfect! Now the innocent were sure to be safe from danger, Sukoh's focus was now solely on the creature below him. And his head was easing off from the mental assault, and his thinking was perfectly clear on what he had to do. The spines on its shoulders were pointed downwards because its arms were held up, and its back was well armored. Below, however, he saw the perfect opportunity for retaliation. This thing intended to eat Sukoh? It'd have to out eat a mouth that was almost half the size of the snarnorgul itself. With one swing of its head downwards Sukoh positioned its mouth in the position to clamp down on the hindquarters of this monster. With a resounding snap of its jaws closing around the softer flesh of the ass end of his foe Sukoh had the creature in its grasp. With enough force to crush a heavily armored tank he chewed on the exposed flesh of his victim. And if that didn't distract the creature then I don't know what will.