[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Catacombs Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maddie blushed slightly as Colby mentioned the adventure so far had been rather weird. To be fair he wasn't wrong, but part way along on this adventure and whirlwind they had become closer than he had ever thought was possible. He hoped that at the very least [i]that[/i] wasn't part of what made it weird. Before much else could be said, a light began to burst forth through the cracks of the door, causing Maddie to slip his finger into the end of a knife and sliding it out, twirling it into the palm of his hand defensively. If the soldiers had barged in already he didn't hear it, but where else could the light be coming from? There was a stillness to the air, silence clinging to it as Merlin and the others took in their surroundings and Maddie held his breath to soften the sounds from where they hid. Finally the group upstairs spoke and Colby took to the stairs to warn them. Panic ran through his mind as he thought of all the ways this could go wrong. What if the soldiers had a mage? Created a sound of Merlin's voice to lure them out? This could all be a clever trap and Colby may have just ran headfirst into it. Matthew continued to hold his breath, no longer for stealth but to steel himself as he ran after Colby, knife in hand and ready to throw it at the first soldier he saw. Lucky for him it wasn't a trap, his breath rushed out of his chest as his knees began to weaken and buckle beneath him. Fear creeping into him about how he almost lost Colby in his mind.