[@Vampiretwilight] [color=Lime][b][h1]PEREN[/h1][/b][/color] The forest elf walked pass the royal guests of the party and bowed before the king. "Your men are too slow, why send them, when you know i can bring her back." The young elf looked up at those weary eyes that spoke deeper to him than any words. "I will not fail you." said the elf as he rose to his feet, and left the same way he came in. Once outside, a stable boy brought him his faithful stallion. The elf hopped on him bareback and galloped away into the night, in search of Marabella and the man who took her. Peren reined in on the stallion, throwing his leg over and hopping down. He grabbed his spear, and then whispered in the horse's ear. The stallion reared back, then galloped away, leaving the elf on foot. He knealt down, and examined the fresh patch of mud that had been kicked up by the toe of a boot. "Sloppy, must be a human." smiled the elf.