[b][i]Daniel Palaiologos[/i][/b] "Lovise!" Daniel waved hi at the arrival of his friend, saying, "I'm glad to see you, Your Highness!" More confident now, the feelings of humiliation fading as he faced the group he was supposed to lead, the boy introduced himself, saying, "My name is Daniel [i]Palaiologos[/i], of the Clock Tower. I brought in the Palaiologoi as a family and their lands and holdings into the Magus' Association's fold when [i]my grandfather[/i], who is now leading the so-called Philosopher Kings, revealed his treachery to Humanity. This also means I am the rightful Second Owner of all of Greece's magical territory and my Grandfather has usurped my right. But my claim to a leading role within this team isn't based on my 'rightful ownership', but rather on the fact that I can provide you guys with information on the Purple Faction." Daniel sighs, "Long ago before I joined the Clock Tower, Grandfather fed me with lies about how the Magus' Association were 'Magic Nazis' who worshipped Cosmic Embodiments of Supernatural Tyranny and how their goals were to sacrifice 'Normal Humanity' for their 'Ascension', their fusion with The Root. This was false, but it rang true to me because it was a coherent creed. However, it turned out to be [i]their[/i] creed, not the Clock Tower's - It was their beliefs and not my future faction's. And so helping you against him is not just a family spat: It is also an attempt at redemption in the eyes of the Magus' Association and all of Humanity." He paused, "Now, useful information - The Dead Apostle Ancestor in the Philosopher Kings' Ranks is an Apocryphal one: The Thirty-First when there should only be Twenty-Nine. This Dead Apostle Ancestor, one of the earliest recruits into their group, is Oyuki, a former innkeeper with an otherworldly beauty who was accused of murdering travelers, which somehow turned her into the source of the legends of the Yuki-Onna and also a Vampire without a parent. Or so I was told back when Grandfather was manipulating me. Nevertheless, she can drain Mana from people through touch - That's something I have seen for myself. Oh, and she's also a potential Master Candidate, which is bad as she [i]already[/i] has Noble Phantasms of her own." Continuing after another pause, Daniel then said, "Another senior lieutenant of my Grandfather is one Mikagami Shikiya, a Mixed-Blood Incubus who can copy [i]any[/i] of a Magus' abilities by drinking an ounce of their blood, and also access their memories and emotions. He is probably also a Master. Now, as for the subject of Darnic..." He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Helstein, Mr. Trask, the both of you are right - We should conduct a limited Non-Aggression Pact with Darnic while conserving our forces and resources for the future confrontation with him or my Grandfather. Let the two factions of foes fight, but if Darnic sends someone to seal a pact with us, we should treat them as hospitably as possible in order to gain a potential defector or at least loosen some lips..." [@Th3King0fChaos][@SkyHresvelg][@Unlucker][@Phonic][@hatakekuro][@SSW]