[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JdHnDSt/Daphne-header-avi-4.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LmIwZWM5MS5Ubmx0Y0dnLjA/nebulo.demo.png[/img] [color=Lightgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] La Hoya [color=Lightgreen][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Squad A and B[/center] [hr] Prior to exiting the jet and venturing out into the snowy peaks of La Hoya Daphne had transformed herself. She felt her skin tighten due to being exposed to the cold, but just like every other physical pain it was lessened. The nervous system of her plant form was a unique blend between fauna and flora. It caused her to be able to withstand the low temperatures better, at least that's what she hoped. With only her head exposed her hair fluttered in the wind, snow getting caught on the surface of the leaves. She squinted at Viktor, her eyes narrowing to watch his masked face. His speech was militant and clear cut. Daphne was beginning to get used to it. This was important to all of them, but it seemed particularly important to the stoic hero. She didn't know why, maybe because leadership was split between him and Talon. It was probably something else, if she knew him better she might have known where his motivation came from. One thing she did know for sure, she didn't want to disappoint him and her team again. Daphne was determined to succeed. Talon said something to the team. It was unexpectedly.....nice? Or at least, she knew he wasn't an unkind guy, but this was something he wouldn't usually say. These were the kind of words and emotions he struggled with. They´d spent time together in short but meaningful intervals, one of their activities included sign language lessons. Daphne wanted to include Talon in the team. Communication was the first step. Sometimes during her lessons she caught a glimpse of this other side of him, underneath the shades. [color=ec008c]"I suppose we should ask for your permission for breakings in the bathing room or are we expected to hold our excrements in until the mission ends?"[/color] Daphne turned to Aleen´a and stifled a laugh at the same time. They could always count on the alien girl to say something funny to break up the tension. Daphne shook her head, still smiling. [color=Lightgreen]“No Brightheart, if nature calls you don’t need permission to go”[/color] Wait….maybe using figure of speech wouldn’t be the best idea. Aleen’a often took things literally which was understandable. Next thing you know Aleen’a was going to try to use their coms to call a pine tree. Daphne attempted to sheepishly correct herself, blinking the snow out of her eyes. [color=Lightgreen]“I just meant that if you need to pee, you can find a quiet place between the trees and go there”[/color] Coal flew on out ahead of them and she watched Casper's spirit companion go off into the distance.The falling snow combined with the still dark night sky made it difficult to see clearly. After a couple of seconds Coal had already disappeared. She also needed to find a vantage point. Somewhere where she could keep an eye on things and communicate with the team. Daphne turned to squad B, her voice just loud enough to be heard, in order to keep a low profile. [color=Lightgreen]"I'll scout on ahead and find a vantage point and start up our comms"[/color] With a determined nod to squad B she started towards the hills leading to the Kobra factory. The backpack carrying the radios and earpieces was strapped to her back. She glanced back every so often, just to make sure to not lose sight of the team. So far she was walking in a roughly straight line towards a hill. After a while she was starting to get tired. Daphne sucked in a cold breath and looked around. There was a rock jutting out of the snow, it was large enough to hide behind. She walked up to it, trudging through the heavy snow. This spot looked pretty good. She took off the backpack and put it in front of her, the snow crunching under the weight of the equipment. Alright what was she supposed to do first at comms? They only had one training session using everything, but it couldn’t be too difficult right? She got the radios installed without problems. Daphne was impressed with herself. This kind of stuff usually took repeated tries for her to get right. She was the kind of girl who couldn’t even hang up a frame and here she was operating a military style communications set. She turned on the radio for a test, if she did this right squad A would now be able to hear her. [color=Lightgreen]“Uhh hello...guys…?”[/color] Daphne quickly corrected herself, remembering radio etiquette. [color=Lightgreen]“I mean...Squad A, this is Nymph, I have set up the comms and we’re now online, over."[/color]