At the sound of Chas' voice she looked up and tried to act just casually but when when Chas opened his mouth and said where the map was highlighting her ears piqued up. "it's like the next city over. I grew up in the heart of Seattle, near the seafront. But we visited there a lot. Sam always swore one day she'd live there" she explained, suddenly being overwhelmed with a fear that that's where Sam did indeed end up living and something had happened to her. "we have to go" Kay said, knowing if her sister was in danger there wasn't a moment to dither around and waste. She had to save her. "Kay we don't know if it is her" Chas pointed out, "and I'm not willing to wait to find out Chas! If it's not then it's someone else clearly important who needs saving" Kay countered, rushing downstairs. Josh smiled and pulled some of her wet hair behind her ear. He blushed when Trish said what she did, making him playfully glare at his baby sister. "it's nothing and like the runt there said-" he smirked as he paused to the show he meant his name calling in jest and warmly, "is right, you saved her from that...thing and I owe you greatly for that" he told her.